Welcome to 30 Poems in 30 Days!

This blog is a fundraiser on behalf of the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance. The fundraiser was launched by Tikkun V'or (The Ithaca Reform Temple), and will feature a poem a day by eleven dedicated poets, mostly from our community who are taking their incentive to develop their craft by writing everyday from your willingness to act locally to address the global refugee crisis.  If you are able to, please support the fundraiser by donating to the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance. And no matter what, enjoy the poems!

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SEPT 28: In honor of Yom Kippur, our blogger and poets are on break! Please check us out tomorrow afternoon or catch up on 250 former submissions!

WELCOME TO THE NEXT-TO-LAST DAY OF OUR BLOG, SEPT. 29 OF THE "30 POEMS IN 30 DAYS" FUNDRAISER FOR THE ITHACA SANCTUARY ALLIANCE. It's not too late to check out the fundraiser at https://www.gofundme.com/f/30-poems-in-30-days-for-ithaca-sanctuary-alliance or just enjoy our poems in this posting or the postings covering all previous days of September, 2020!

Good morning, good day, and goodbye! Here is the last offering of our 11 dedicated poets on this our 30th day of "30 Poems in 30 Days" in support of the family in residence at the First Congregational Church's sanctuary, supported by the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance. We have offered these poems with love and much hope for a better future in which we finally defeat white supremacy, outrageous levels of wealth inequality, war, and the inhumanity that fuels all of the above. As Jews say, "Shanah Tovah v'Tikatavu" (May you have) a happy and sweet new year! If you have not already donated to this fundraiser, and have the extra income to do so, please check out our GOFUNDME site at: https://www.gofundme.com/f/30-poems-in-30-days-for-ithaca-sanctuary-alliance

Welcome to our poems for day 24 or the "30 poems in 30 days" fundraiser for the Ithaca Sanctuary Alliance

Days 1-14